OECD国别报告实施指南:BEPS 第13项行动计划(中英对照)

来源:吴明等 作者:吴明等 人气: 时间:2016-08-02
摘要:[2] If the tax administration in the jurisdiction where the Ultimate Parent Entity or Constituent Entity (as applicable) is resident for...

Where surrogate filing (including parent surrogate filing) is available, it will mean that there are no local filing obligations for the particular MNE in any jurisdiction which otherwise would require local filing in which the MNE has a Constituent Entity (herein referred to as the Local Jurisdiction). This is subject to the following conditions:


1. the Ultimate Parent Entity has made available a CbC report conforming to the requirements of the Action 13 Report to the tax authority of its jurisdiction of tax residence, by the filing deadline (i.e. 12 months after the last day of the Reporting Fiscal Year of the MNE Group); and

1. 跨国公司最终控股企业已根据第13项行动计划报告的要求,在报送截止日前(如跨国企业集团所报告的财务年度最后一天起的12个月后)向其居民国的税务机关报送了国别报告;且

2. by the first filing deadline of the CbC report, the jurisdiction of tax residence of the Ultimate Parent Entity must have its laws in place to require CbC reporting (even if filing of a CbC report for the Reporting Fiscal Year in question is not required under those laws); and


3. by the first filing deadline of the CbC report, a Qualifying Competent Authority Agreement must be in effect between the jurisdiction of tax residence of the Ultimate Parent Entity and the Local Jurisdiction[1]; and


4. the jurisdiction of tax residence of the Ultimate Parent Entity has not notified the Local Jurisdiction’s tax administration of aSystemic Failure; and


5. the following notifications have been provided[2]:


·the jurisdiction of tax residence of the Ultimate Parent Entity has been notified by the Ultimate Parent Entity, no later than [the last day of the Reporting Fiscal Year of such MNE Group]; and

·最终控股企业已经告知其税收居民国,且告知时间不应晚于 [跨国企业集团报告所属财务年度结束之日];

· the Local Jurisdiction’s tax administration has been notified by a Constituent Entity of the MNE Group that is resident for tax purposes in the Local Jurisdiction that it is not the Ultimate Parent Entity nor the Surrogate Parent Entity, stating the identity and tax residence of the Reporting Entity, no later than [the last day of the Reporting Fiscal Year of such MNE Group].

·跨国企业集团的成员实体如果在当地构成居民企业,但既不是最终控股企业也不是母公司的代理人,应当告知其居民国税务机关,其所报送的成员实体的身份及其所属的税收居民,且告知时间不应晚于 [跨国企业集团报告所属财务年度结束之日]。

The following jurisdictions have confirmed they will have parent surrogate filing available consistent with the framework outlined above for Ultimate Parent Entities that are resident in their jurisdiction, with respect to fiscal periods commencing on or from 1 January 2016[3]:


· Switzerland[4]

·United States





2. How should the CbC reporting rules be applied to investment funds?

2. 投资基金如何适用国别报告准则?

As stated in paragraph 55 of the Action 13 Report, there is no general exemption for investment funds. Therefore, the governing principle to determine an MNE Group is to follow the accounting consolidation rules. For example, if the accounting rules instruct investment entities to not consolidate with investee companies (e.g. because the consolidated accounts for the investment entity should instead report fair value of the investment through profit and loss), then the investee companies should not form part of a Group or MNE Group (as defined in the model legislation) or be considered as Constituent Entities of an MNE Group. This principle applies even where the investment entity has a controlling interest in the investee company.


On the other hand, if the accounting rules require an investment entity to consolidate with a subsidiary, such as where that subsidiary provides services that relate to the investment entity’s investment activities, then the subsidiary should be part of a Group and should be considered as a Constituent Entity of the MNE Group (if one exists).


It is still possible for a company, which is owned by an investment fund, to control other entities such that, in combination with these other entities, it forms an MNE Group. In this case, and if the MNE Group exceeds the revenue threshold, it would need to comply with the requirement to file a CbC report.








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